Bind a delete key in vi mode

I am using vi-mode oh-my-zsh plugin. In mine .zshrc

I have

bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char


where ^[[3~

is the exit code of my delete key. However, this only works in insert mode, not in command mode. When i type

$ abcd


move the cursor to the beginning of the line and press del

in command mode, I get

$ abcd


therefore, obviously, the character sequence of the delete key is interpreted literally. How can I make the delete key actually delete the character in command mode?


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1 answer

bindkey -a '^[[3~' delete-char


Zsh has many different keyboard layouts, and by default bindkey will bind keys on a regular keyboard in insert mode. The command mode keyboard is selected with -M vicmd

. -a

is a shortcut for that. You can list keyboard layouts with bindkey -l

. You will see that there is also viopp

one that is used for movements after a type c or d key. Also visually for the visual selection mode.



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