How to use stylish styles with Angular 4 Ahead of Time compilation?

I created an Angular 4 quickstart project a few days ago and just for that I tried to name all my stylesheets .styl

and put stylus . Against all my expectations, it really worked! When using development server, all my stylus sheets are uploaded to css and work as expected.

However, I am now following the guide for Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation , which went smoothly until I tried to do a final build, No styles at all. The app works, but all black text on a white background has no structure.

Converting my stylesheets to CSS "fixes" the problem.

So my question is, how do I get the rewritten style languages ​​like Stylus, LESS and Sass to work with Angular 4 AOT compilation? I am assuming there is a parameter or plugin in there somewhere.


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