How to draw a line at a precise pixel position
I'm trying to draw a string (single character) in C # to a bitmap at the exact location with:
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(64, 64);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
g.DrawString("W", font1, new SolidBrush(myColor), new Point(32,32);
There is so much white space created around one letter that I cannot guess the "right" position to draw the character to be in the correct position at the end.
By now, I have the exact pixel value for the character (looking at the bits in the separately displayed bitmap). But this information is useless if I cannot draw the character in the exact position (for example, in the center or in the upper right corner or ...).
Are there other methods for drawing text in C # on a bitmap? Or are there any conversion methods to convert the actual pixel position to something that DrawString requires?
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No need to look at pixels or start working with your font.
You can use GraphicsPath
instead of DrawString
or TextRenderer
, as it will let you know your mesh border rectangle with GraphicsPath.GetBounds()
When you know this, you can calculate how to move the object Graphics
with TranslateTransform
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string text = "Y"; // whatever
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(64, 64); // whatever
bmp.SetResolution(96, 96); // whatever
float fontSize = 32f; // whatever
using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
using ( GraphicsPath GP = new GraphicsPath())
using ( FontFamily fontF = new FontFamily("Arial"))
testPattern(g, bmp.Size); // optional
GP.AddString(text, fontF, 0, fontSize, Point.Empty,
// this is the net bounds without any whitespace:
Rectangle br = Rectangle.Round(GP.GetBounds());
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red,br); // just for testing
// now we center:
g.TranslateTransform( (bmp.Width - br.Width ) / 2 - br.X,
(bmp.Height - br.Height )/ 2 - br.Y);
// and fill
g.FillPath(Brushes.Black, GP);
// whatever you want to do..
pictureBox1.Image = bmp;
bmp.Save("D:\\__test.png", ImageFormat.Png);
A little test procedure to allow us to see the centering better:
void testPattern(Graphics g, Size sz)
List<Brush> brushes = new List<Brush>()
{ Brushes.SlateBlue, Brushes.Yellow,
Brushes.DarkGoldenrod, Brushes.Lavender };
int bw2 = sz.Width / 2;
int bh2 = sz.Height / 2;
for (int i = bw2; i > 0; i--)
g.FillRectangle(brushes[i%4],bw2 - i, bh2 - i, i + i, i + i );
The method GetBounds
returns a RectangleF
; in my example it is {X=0.09375, Y=6.0625, Width=21, Height=22.90625}
. Note that due to rounding, things can always be off by one.
You may or may not want to change the setting Graphics
to special Smoothingmodes
, etc.
It should also be noted that this will be done automatically, that is, mechanically centered on the border rectangle. This can be very different from "optical or visual centering" , which is rather difficult to code and somewhat personal taste. But typography is as much an art as a profession.
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