Drag & Drop Primefaces "OnDrop" control panel - event

I am currently working on a drag & drop project using PrimeFaces. I have p:dataGrid

with multiple panels:

 <p:fieldset id="availableBlocksField">
    <p:dataGrid id="availableBlocks" columns="1" var="block" value="#{blockmenu.blockMenuItems}">
        <p:panel id="drag" header="#{block.header}">
        <p:draggable opacity="0.6" for="drag" helper="clone" dashboard="mainForm:dropArea">


and a control panel with binding


    <p:dashboard id="dropArea" binding="#{blockdashboard.dashboard}" styleClass="blockDashboardView" >

        <p:ajax event="reorder" listener="#{blockdashboard.onReorder}"/>


With "MenuItems" I have my available items that I can add to the control panel, but if I add them to my panel, they are only ClientSide. Mine Bean

will never be recognized by these elements.

How can I fix this?


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