Can't define regex pattern for requirements (javascript split pattern)

I am trying to figure out the regex pattern for the next line and requirements.

this. i s.a.string .but. so is . this


Expected Result:

1 - "this. i s"
2 - "a"
3 - "string .but. so is . this"


The split must be done by .

, but if it has a space before or after , then it must be part of the previous result.

I am trying the following options (with results)

1 - "this"
2 - "."
3 - " i s"
4 - "."
5 - "a"
6 - "."
7 - "string"

/[^?<=\.]+/g OR /[^\.]+/g
1 - "this"
2 - " i s"
3 - "a"
4 - "string"


Edit: updated line and expected results. Based on the ambiguity I saw in the comments / answers that have been removed.


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3 answers

Try with this regex:

[^. ]+(( \.|\. | )[^. ]*)*


See here how it works.



You can try something like this:


  • Find the pattern not space

    followed .

    , then not space

    and replace the first not space

    withnot space|

  • Now split with |.

    to get a list of groups

function getGroups(str){
  var replaceRegex = /(\S)(?=\.\S)/g;
  var g = str.replace(replaceRegex, "$1|").split("|.");
  return g;

getGroups("this. i s.a.string");
getGroups("this . i s.a.string");
getGroups("this . i 1.a.string");

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With lookahead

and the lookbehind

split regex would be:

(?<! )\.(?! )


But JavaScript doesn't support appearance, one trick:

var s = "this. i s.a.string .but. so is . this";
s.replace(/([^ ])\.(?! )/g, "$1__special__").split("__special__")


  • Replace the separators with lookahead

    and the group capture behind with a custom separator
  • Split into a new special delimiter


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