Random number generator without replacement?

I tried to program a random number generator that doesn't generate the same random number more than once. But I cannot and cannot understand why. My code looks like this:

public void printNS(){

    System.out.print("Numeros Numeros: ");

    for(int i=0; i < 5 ; i++){
        System.out.print( (int)(Math.random()*50) + ",");

    System.out.print("; Numeros Stars: ");

    for(int i=0; i < 2 ; i++){
        System.out.print( (int)(Math.random()*12)+ ",");    




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3 answers

in java 8 you can do the following

 int[] rand = new Random().ints(start, end).distinct().limit(number).toArray();


for more info / options see doc

And before java 8, you can use Set. Generate random numbers until the size of your set is less than the desired number of random numbers.



So, you want k

great random numbers from 0

to n

(s k < n


Two possible approaches:

  • Pick k

    random numbers as you did and store them in the data structure. Each time you choose a number, check if it is contained in the structure: if so, keep collecting until you get a "new" random number. This is a fairly straightforward approach, but the loop can potentially block your application. I suggest using Set

    as it preserves certain elements by definition

    Set<Integer> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // unordered
    while (set.size() < k){

  • Create List

    and initialize it with every number between 0

    and n

    . Then shuffle it. The first k

    items in the list are the numbers you want.

    List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    list.subList(0, k).clear();

I would suggest the second approach as it is cleaner, but I don't know your performance requirements.




private printStars(int loops, int factor) {
  for(int i=0; i < loops ; i++){
    System.out.print( (int)(Math.random()*factor) + ",");


And now:

public void printNS(){
  System.out.print("Numeros Numeros: ");
  printStars(5, 50);
  System.out.print("; Numeros Stars: ");
  printStars(2, 12);


Hope it helps. The key point is: when you iterate over the code, look for those elements that are "identical"; and then move them to another method!



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