Spring boot can I replace ResourceHttpRequestHandler with my own implementation?

I ran into this problem as I have an application that has soothing services, but I need to serve some static ones as well. I also use annotation in this application EnableSwagger2

. It looks like this class is public and I could subclass it, but I'm not sure how to set it up. My goal is to override this line so that I can control over 404s.


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1 answer

So I finally did it and it worked successfully for me. The config got me a little bit, but here it is. Let's say a subclass ResourceHttpRequestHandler

named CustomResourceHandler

. In mine, Application.java

this connected correctly:

public ResourceHttpRequestHandler resourceHttpRequestHandler() {
    ResourceHttpRequestHandler requestHandler = new CustomResourceHandler();
    return requestHandler;

public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping sampleServletMapping(){
    SimpleUrlHandlerMapping mapping = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
    mapping.setOrder(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 2);
    Properties urlProperties = new Properties();
    urlProperties.put("/**", "resourceHttpRequestHandler");
    return mapping;

ApplicationContext applicationContext;


  • This answer helped me with the correct mapper configuration.
  • This Answer about context helped me set the places in my handler correctly. I set them up differently, but it didn't work 100% correctly for all of my resources.


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