What's the alternative to WebRequestHandler in .NET Core?

I used WebRequestHandler to set CachePolicy and AuthenticationLevel in my complete .NET application. Now I am porting my application to .NET core and cannot find an alternative to these properties or WebRequestHandler. Any help? Below is my usage:

        var httpClientHandler = new WebRequestHandler
            UseProxy = true,
            UseCookies = false,
            CachePolicy = new HttpRequestCachePolicy(HttpRequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore),
            AuthenticationLevel = AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequired



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1 answer


There is no CachePolicy equivalent in .NET Core. However .NET Core is equivalent to RequestCacheLevel.BypassCache. I confirmed that in this GitHub question .

So, while there is no built-in CachePolicy, this construct allows you to create your own cache on top of the HttpClient using whatever policy you like.


WebRequest in .NET Core offers an AuthenticationLevel property, but that won't help you if you need to use HttpClient.

You can implement a custom HttpMessageHandler to pass to an HttpClient that supports AuthenticationLevel. To simplify the implementation, you can create it from an existing HttpMessageHandler like Windows one .



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