How to check a view that uses controllerAs in AngularJS

I am trying to test the view of my controller, but I cannot get it to work. When I try a simple template as <h1>test</h1>

it works, but when the template uses the syntax controllerAs

I get Expected undefined to contain 'test'.

I have done some research and transcludeControllers

have to deal with it, but it is not. My test looks like this:

 it('should show test section', () => {
            let candidatesCtrl = $controller('CandidatesController', mock);
            candidatesCtrl.loading = false;
            let scope = $rootScope.$new();

            let linkFn = $compile('<h1 ng-if="!candidatesCtrl.loading">test</h1>');

            let view = linkFn(scope,
                undefined, {
                    transcludeControllers: {
                        CandidatesController: {
                            instance: candidatesCtrl

            let templateAsHtml = view.html();



How do I get this to work? I am using AngularJS 1.6.3

and Jasmine / Karma commands .


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