Displayed DataTable shows specific columns

I am using DataTables along with responsive and am facing problems when trying to display only certain columns.

The table looks like this: enter image description here

I only need to show 'Column 1', 'Column3', 'Column 7', 'Column 8', 'Column 10'

and hide others (they should be displayed with an expand control at the end of each line).


  $( 'table' ).DataTable( {
      order: [ [ 0, "asc" ] ],
        responsive: {
            details: {
                type: 'column',
                target: 'tr'
        columnDefs: [ {
            className: 'control',
            orderable: false,
            targets: -1
        } ]
    } );


This is JSFiddle

. Any suggestions!


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2 answers

To display specific columns in flexible datatable, you just need to add to tables like below: Class Controls


<table class="table table-hover table-striped">
      <th class="all">Column 1</th>
      <th class="none">Column 2</th>
      <th class="all">Column 3</th>
      <th class="none">Column 4</th>
      <th class="none">Column 5</th>
      <th class="none">Column 6</th>
      <th class="all">Column 7</th>
      <th class="all">Column 8</th>
      <th class="none">Column 9</th>
      <th class="all">Column 10</th>
      <th class="none">Column 11</th>
      <th class="all"></th>


class "all": Always show column regardless of screen size.

class "none": Not displayed as a column, but displayed in a child row.


Here is a working demo of it.



It looks like you need this:


"Column priority can also be determined by the data priority attribute in the column header cell (for example, Name)."




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