How to randomly select rows of data with unique column values

The ultimate goal is to compare the variance and standard deviation of a simple statistic (numerator / denominator / true_count) from avg_score

for 10 random-sized samples per word from a dataset similar to:

library (data.table)
df <- data.frame(
  word_ID = c(rep(1,4),rep(2,3),rep(3,2),rep(4,5),rep(5,5),rep(6,3),rep(7,4),rep(8,4),rep(9,6),rep(10,4)),
  word = c(rep("cat",4), rep("house", 3), rep("sung",2), rep("door",5), rep("pretty", 5), rep("towel",3), rep("car",4), rep("island",4), rep("ran",6), rep("pizza", 4)), 
  true_count = c(rep(234,4),rep(39,3),rep(876,2),rep(4,5),rep(67,5),rep(81,3),rep(90,4),rep(43,4),rep(54,6),rep(53,4)),
  occurrences = c(rep(234,4),rep(34,3),rep(876,2),rep(4,5),rep(65,5),rep(81,3),rep(90,4),rep(43,4),rep(54,6),rep(51,4)),
  item_score = runif(40),
  avg_score = rnorm(40),
  line = c(71,234,71,34,25,32,573,3,673,899,904,2,4,55,55,1003,100,432,100,29,87,326,413,32,54,523,87,988,988,12,24,754,987,12,4276,987,93,65,45,49),
  validity = sample(c("T", "F"), 40, replace = T)

dt <- data.table(df)
dt[ , denominator := 1:.N, by=word_ID]
dt[ , numerator := 1:.N, by=c("word_ID", "validity")]
dt$numerator[df$validity=="F"] <- 0
df <- dt

    word_ID  word  true_count occurrences item_score   avg_score line validity denominator numerator
 1:       1    cat        234         234 0.25497614  0.15268651   71        F           1         0
 2:       1    cat        234         234 0.18662407  1.77376261  234        F           2         0
 3:       1    cat        234         234 0.74554352 -0.64807093   71        T           3         1
 4:       1    cat        234         234 0.93296878 -0.19981748   34        T           4         2
 5:       2  house         39          34 0.49471189  0.68924373   25        F           1         0
 6:       2  house         39          34 0.64499368  0.03614551   32        T           2         1
 7:       2  house         39          34 0.17580259  1.94353631  573        F           3         0
 8:       3   sung        876         876 0.60299465  0.73721373    3        T           1         1
 9:       3   sung        876         876 0.88775767  2.32133393  673        F           2         0
10:       4   door          4           4 0.49020940  0.34890935  899        T           1         1
11:       4   door          4           4 0.01838357 -1.13391666  904        T           2         2


The data represents each occurrence of a word in the document, so it is possible for a word to appear more than once on the same line. The challenge is for the sample size to represent unique column values ​​( line

), but return all instances where the row number is the same, which means that the actual number of rows returned may be greater than the given sample size. So for a single two-word sample size test for "cat" the shape of the desired result would look like this:

    word_ID  word  true_count occurrences item_score   avg_score line validity denominator numerator
 1:       1    cat        234         234 0.25497614  0.15268651   71        F           1         0
 2:       1    cat        234         234 0.18662407  1.77376261  234        F           2         0
 3:       1    cat        234         234 0.74554352 -0.64807093   71        T           3         1


My main iteration (found on this site) currently looks like this:

for (i in 1:10) {

  a2[[i]] <- lapply(split(df, df$word_ID), function(x) x[sample(nrow(x), 2, replace = T), ])

  b3[[i]] <- lapply(split(df, df$word_ID), function(x) x[sample(nrow(x), 3, replace = T), ])}



So, I can make standard sizes of random samples, but I am not sure (and could not find something similar or did not look for the right way) how to approach the goal stated above. Is there a direct way to approach this?



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2 answers

Here is a data.table solution that uses a join on a discrete data table.

df[df[, .(line=sample(unique(line), 2)), by=word], on=.(word, line)]


The internal data table consists of two columns, a word and a row, and has two rows for each word, each with a unique meaning for the row. The values ​​for the string are returned by a character sample

that gets the unique string values ​​and is done separately for each word (using by=word

). You can change the number of unique line values ​​by changing 2 to your desired value. This data table connects to the main data table to select the desired rows.

In this case, you get

    word_ID   word true_count occurrences item_score   avg_score line validity
 1:       1    cat        234         234 0.26550866  0.91897737   71        F
 2:       1    cat        234         234 0.57285336  0.07456498   71        T
 3:       1    cat        234         234 0.37212390  0.78213630  234        T
 4:       2  house         39          34 0.89838968 -0.05612874   32        T
 5:       2  house         39          34 0.94467527 -0.15579551  573        F
 6:       3   sung        876         876 0.62911404 -0.47815006  673        T
 7:       3   sung        876         876 0.66079779 -1.47075238    3        T
 8:       4   door          4           4 0.06178627  0.41794156  899        F
 9:       4   door          4           4 0.38410372 -0.05380504   55        F
10:       5 pretty         67          65 0.71761851 -0.39428995  100        F
11:       5 pretty         67          65 0.38003518  1.10002537  100        F
12:       5 pretty         67          65 0.49769924 -0.41499456 1003        F
13:       6  towel         81          81 0.21214252 -0.25336168  326        F
14:       6  towel         81          81 0.93470523 -0.16452360   87        F
15:       7    car         90          90 0.12555510  0.55666320   32        T
16:       7    car         90          90 0.26722067 -0.68875569   54        F
17:       8 island         43          43 0.01339033  0.36458196   87        T
18:       8 island         43          43 0.38238796  0.76853292  988        F
19:       8 island         43          43 0.86969085 -0.11234621  988        T
20:       9    ran         54          54 0.59956583 -0.61202639  754        F
21:       9    ran         54          54 0.82737332  1.43302370 4276        F
22:      10  pizza         53          51 0.79423986 -0.36722148   93        F
23:      10  pizza         53          51 0.41127443 -0.13505460   49        T
    word_ID   word true_count occurrences item_score   avg_score line validity




If you select from the deduplicated data.frame and do a subsequent left join with the original data, you can provide what you need.

I am not proficient data.table

, so I will use basic functions. ( dplyr

Will work fine too, but since you are using data.table

I won't do that for now.) (Since I'm about to hit submit, @lmo provided a dt

-specific answer ...)

By "de-duplicate" I mean:

subdf <- df[,c("word_ID", "line")]
subdf <- subdf[!duplicated(subdf),]
# [1] 36  2
#   word_ID line
# 1       1   71
# 2       1  234
# 4       1   34
# 5       2   25
# 6       2   32
# 7       2  573


Note that subdf

it only has three rows for 1, whereas the original data has 4:

#   word_ID word true_count occurrences item_score   avg_score line validity
# 1       1  cat        234         234  0.2655087  0.91897737   71        F
# 2       1  cat        234         234  0.3721239  0.78213630  234        T
# 3       1  cat        234         234  0.5728534  0.07456498   71        T
# 4       1  cat        234         234  0.9082078 -1.98935170   34        T


I'm using by

here instead lapply/split

, but the results should be the same:

out <- by(subdf, subdf$word_ID, function(x) merge(x[sample(nrow(x), 2, replace=TRUE),], df, by=c("word_ID", "line")))
# $`1`
#   word_ID line word true_count occurrences item_score   avg_score validity
# 1       1   34  cat        234         234  0.9082078 -1.98935170        T
# 2       1   71  cat        234         234  0.5728534  0.07456498        T
# 3       1   71  cat        234         234  0.2655087  0.91897737        F




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