Why doesn't F # support extending the system type with its type abbreviation?

For example, if I try to expand int

is int

not a true type name, this code will fail:

type int with
member this.IsEven = this % 2 = 0


Instead, I have to use System.Int32


type System.Int32 with
member this.IsEven = this % 2 = 0

let i = 20
if i.IsEven then printfn "'%i' is even" i


Why can't I use the type abbreviation int



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1 answer

I think glib's answer is mostly right - functions are not implemented by default. However, another possible reason is that type abbreviations are limited, so it is not immediately obvious if the scope of the abbreviation affects the scope of the expansion. For example:

module X =
    type t = int

module Y =
    // imagine we could hypothetically do this
    type X.t with
        member i.IsEven = i % 2 = 0

open Y
fun (x:System.Int32) -> x.IsEven // should this compile even though t isn't in scope here?




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