Run groovy script system in jenkins from DSL work plugin
Preparation lack of signatures for the method readFileFromWorkspace () in the job seed Jenkins (when attempting to perform main.groovy . Dsl plug of job main.groovy causes static class method PrepareBuildPublish.groovy to create assignments):
ERROR: (PrepareBuildPublish.groovy, line 43) No method signature: javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.step.StepContext.readFileFromWorkspace () applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [WorkspaceLocker.groovy]
Here is the source code for main.groovy
import models.*
import templates.*
import hudson.FilePath
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
void createJobs() {
def yaml = new Yaml()
// Build a list of all config files ending in .yml
def cwd = hudson.model.Executor.currentExecutor().getCurrentWorkspace().absolutize()
def configFiles = new FilePath(cwd, 'ci-repos').list('*.yml')
// create jobs for each config file
configFiles.each { file ->
def projectConfig = yaml.loadAs(file.readToString(), ProjectConfig.class)
def project = projectConfig.project.replaceAll(' ', '-')
PrepareBuildPublish.create(job("${project}-Prepare-Build-Publish"), projectConfig)
Here is the source code for PrepareBuildPublish.groovy
package templates
class PrepareBuildPublish {
static void create(job, config) {
job.with {
logRotator {
steps {
Why is the readFileFromWorkspace () method not found? If I use the same step block configuration directly in the DSL Workflow Role Plugin DSL then it works - then it must be something groovy related and how I am calling this method.
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