How do you structure your Swift Cocoa Touch environment like Apple (like UIKit)

I have my own Swift Cocoa Touch environment that I use for my projects. This structure includes all kinds of classes. For simplicity, let's say it has 3 classes (GameCenter, In App Purchases and ReplayKit)

When you are in a real project and you push CMD to the API from the framework, you can see the structure header file with all the public methods you can call. For my own structure, I will only see 1 header file, so basically all 3 public APIs / Classes are in 1 massive list.

When you CMD click on an API from Apple, let's say UIView

you only get a preview of the header file for the APIs related to UIViews

, rather than a massive list of all APIs for the UIKit framework.

So my question is, how can I create a framework like this where I have 1 framework, but each class / API inside the framework has its own header file.

Do I need to create Umbrella frames for this? I have heard that this is not recommended.


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1 answer

you need to create a static library and then you need to convert this lib to a framework. you can follow the link below.



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