How to decode json in scala using circe ignoring field value

I have the following failed test case:

case class ActionRequest(action: String, `type`:String, key: String)

"Actions " should " be decoded correctly" in {
    val actionJson =
    val actions = decode[List[ActionRequest]](actionJson).right.getOrElse(List())
    assert(actions.size == 2)


decoding fails:

LeftProjection(Left(DecodingFailure([A]List[A], List(DownField(action), DownArray))))


Is it possible for the decoder to display fields that ignore case sensitivity? Or maybe there is an elegant way to handle this with decoder.prepare?



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1 answer

You can try the following code:

import io.circe._

object CirceApp extends App {

    val actionJson = """[

    case class ActionRequest(action: String, `type`: String, key: String)

    implicit val decodeActionJson: Decoder[ActionRequest] = (c: HCursor) => {
        val keysMapping = c.keys.get.groupBy(_.toLowerCase).map(kv => (kv._1, kv._2.head))
        for {
            actionField <- c.downField(keysMapping("action")).as[String]
            typeField <- c.downField(keysMapping("type")).as[String]
            keyField <- c.downField(keysMapping("key")).as[String]
        } yield {
          ActionRequest(actionField, typeField, keyField)





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