Ionic 3 directive not working

I'm trying to create a directive in ionic and it just doesn't work and I don't seem to know why. I want the directive to be able to be automatically resized. So when it has more text, it just keeps the size.

This is my code: And my project is an ionic 3 project that uses angular 4, newer version.

import { Directive, HostListener, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[auto-resize-text-input]' // Attribute selector
export class AutoResizeTextInput {
  constructor(public elem: ElementRef) {
    console.log('Hello AutoResizeTextInput Directive');

  @HostListener('input', ['$']) onInput() {

  private resizeTextOnInput() { = 'hidden'; = 'auto'; = this.elem.nativeElement.scrollHeight + "px";


Please, help????


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3 answers

I had the same problem. The directive was not recognized by the application, but it did not give any errors. So I removed it from the main modules decalarations

and added it to the page module decalarations

that uses the directive and the problem went away.



if you put your directive file in components folder. here's the answer:

move the file from components/your-directive

to directives/your-directive

then restore it. Good luck!



maybe this will help you:

If you are using directives in a component, import directives.module.ts

in app.module.ts

and components.module.ts

or just import it app.module.ts

to use your directive on the page.



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