Extract words that differ between two sentences

I have a very large dataframe with two columns called sentence1

and sentence2

. I am trying to create a new column with words that differ between two sentences, for example:

sentence1=c("This is sentence one", "This is sentence two", "This is sentence three")
sentence2=c("This is the sentence four", "This is the sentence five", "This is the sentence six")
df = as.data.frame(cbind(sentence1,sentence2))


My data frame has the following structure:

ID    sentence1                    sentence2
 1     This is sentence one         This is the sentence four
 2     This is sentence two         This is the sentence five
 3     This is sentence three       This is the sentence six


And my expected output:

ID    sentence1        sentence2     Expected_Result
 1     This is ...      This is ...   one the four 
 2     This is ...      This is ...   two the five
 3     This is ...      This is ...   three the six


In R, I tried to split sentences and get items that differ between lists, for example:

df$split_Sentence1<-strsplit(df$sentence1, split=" ")
df$split_Sentence2<-strsplit(df$sentence2, split=" ")
df$Dif<-setdiff(df$split_Sentence1, df$split_Sentence2)


But this approach doesn't work when applied setdiff


In Python, I tried to apply NLTK by trying to get tokens first and then extract the difference between the two lists, like this:

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

df['tokensS1'] = df.sentence1.apply(lambda x:  word_tokenize(x))
df['tokensS2'] = df.sentence2.apply(lambda x:  word_tokenize(x))


And at this point, I don't find a function that gives me the result I want.

I hope you can help me. Thanks to


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3 answers

Here's the R solution.

I've created a function exclusiveWords

that finds unique words between two sets and returns a "sentence" of those words. I wrapped it in Vectorize()

so that it works on all lines of the data.frame at once.

df = as.data.frame(cbind(sentence1,sentence2), stringsAsFactors = F)

exclusiveWords <- function(x, y){
    x <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
    y <- strsplit(y, " ")[[1]]
    u <- union(x, y)
    u <- union(setdiff(u, x), setdiff(u, y))
    return(paste0(u, collapse = " "))

exclusiveWords <- Vectorize(exclusiveWords)

df$result <- exclusiveWords(df$sentence1, df$sentence2)
#                sentence1                 sentence2        result
# 1   This is sentence one This is the sentence four  the four one
# 2   This is sentence two This is the sentence five  the five two
# 3 This is sentence three  This is the sentence six the six three




Essentially the same as @ SymbolixAU's answer as an app function.

df$Dif  <-  apply(df, 1, function(r) {
  paste(setdiff(union    (unlist(r[['split_Sentence1']]), unlist(r[['split_Sentence2']])),
                intersect(unlist(r[['split_Sentence1']]), unlist(r[['split_Sentence2']]))), 
        collapse = " ")




In Python, you can build a function that treats the words in a sentence as a set and calculates a set of theoretical exclusive "or" (a set of words that are in one sentence but not in another):

df.apply(lambda x:  
            set(word_tokenize(x['sentence1'])) \
          ^ set(word_tokenize(x['sentence2'])), axis=1)


The result is a dataframe of sets.

#0     {one, the, four}
#1     {the, two, five}
#2    {the, three, six}
#dtype: object




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