The sum of the float array in the assembly

I am implementing a function in x86 assembly called from a C program to add a float array. The first argument to the function is a pointer to the array, and the second is the number of elements. When I run the code on Linux, I get a segmentation error. What have I done wrong?

.globl floatsum

push %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp

movl  8(%ebp), %eax
movl 12(%ebp), %edx
shrl $2, %edx

xorps %xmm0, %xmm0
testl %edx, %edx
je end  
movaps (%eax), %xmm1
addps %xmm1, %xmm0
addl $16, %eax
decl %edx
jmp loop 

                            #         3       2      1       0
movaps %xmm0, %xmm1         # xmm0:   w       z      y       x 
                            # xmm1:   z       w      x       y
shufps $0xb1, %xmm1, %xmm1  #        10      11      00      01  = 0xb1
addps  %xmm1, %xmm0         # xmm0:  w+z     z+w     y+x     x+y
movaps %xmm0, %xmm1         # xmm1:  w+z     z+w     y+x     x+y
                            # xmm1:  x+y     y+x     z+w     w+z
shufps $0x1b, %xmm1, %xmm1  #        00      01      10      11  = 0x1b
addps  %xmm1, %xmm0         # xmm0:  w+z+x+y z+w+y+x y+x+z+w x+y+w+z
#movd %xmm0, %eax
#pushl %eax


flds (%esp)
popl %eax

movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp


// Code C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

floatsum(float *array, size_t number_of_items);

floatsum_c(float *array, size_t number_of_items){
float sum;
size_t i;

for(i=0; i<number_of_items;i++){
return sum;

float *
create_array(size_t number_of_items){
float *array;
size_t i;

array=calloc(number_of_items, sizeof(float));
    for(i=0; i<number_of_items; i++){
   return array;

main(int argc, char **argv){
float *a;
float result;
size_t number_of_items, i;

    result=floatsum_c(a, number_of_items);
    printf("Sum (c version): %f\n", result);    
    result=floatsum(a, number_of_items);
    printf("Sum (asm version): %f\n", result);  

return 0;



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1 answer

As Paul said, this is most likely an alignment issue. It is clear from your C code that your floating point array cannot be aligned on a 16 byte boundary. The error is this line:

movaps (%eax), %xmm1


The reason is that MOVAPS has this requirement:

When the source or destination operand is a memory operand, the operand must be 16-byte (128-bit version) or 32-byte (VEX.256 encoded version) boundary aligned, or a general protection exception (#GP) will be thrown.

Since you are working with 128 bit vector registers, you need 16 byte alignment. You have two options:

  • Change MOVAPS to MOVUPS so that wasteful memory accesses can be performed
  • Modify your C code to create an array of floats aligned on a 16 byte boundary.

The first solution will require:

movaps (%eax), %xmm1


for change:

movups (%eax), %xmm1


The second solution is to avoid using calloc and use a function that allows you to create objects with a 16 byte alignment. If you are using C11 you can use the aligned_alloc and memset function to zero out the array. Yours create_array

might look like this:

float *
create_array(size_t number_of_items)
    float *array = NULL;
    size_t i;

    array=(float *)aligned_alloc(16, number_of_items * sizeof(*array));
        memset (array, 0x00, number_of_items * sizeof(*array));
        for(i=0; i<number_of_items; i++){
    return array;


If you are not using C11, you can use the POSIX posix_memalign and memset function on Linux. The code might look something like this:

float *
create_array(size_t number_of_items)
    float *array = NULL;
    size_t i;

    if (!posix_memalign((void **)&array, 16, number_of_items * sizeof(*array))){
        memset (array, 0x00, number_of_items * sizeof(*array));
        for(i=0; i<number_of_items; i++){
    return array;


You will also have to uncomment these lines:

#movd %xmm0, %eax
#pushl %eax


so they look like this:

movd %xmm0, %eax
pushl %eax


Note . Although I use memset to zero out a floating point array like calloc, it is not really needed in your code since you initialize all elements to specific values ​​after that. In your case, the memset call might be removed.



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