How to use shift computation with a cumulative value in a data table. R

I have a data table with the following layout

TestData <- data.table(Threshold = 20,
                       Upto = 100,
                       Demand = c(0,0,5,0,50,10,10,10,10,50,20,60),
                       Stock  = c(100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))


The stock value should be calculated as a cumulative value using the formula:

If Inventory (previous row) minus Demand (current row) is less than or equal to the threshold, than update the current bin in the warehouse with the value in "Upto". Else updates the stock value (current row) with the stock (previous row) minus the query (current row).

Then the procedure should start again. The result should look like this:

TestData <- data.table(Threshold = 20,
                       Upto = 100,
                       Demand = c(0,0,5,0,50,10,10,10,10,50,20,60),
                       Stock = c(100,100,95,95,45,35,25,100,90,40,100,40))

    Threshold Upto Demand Stock
 1:        20  100      0   100
 2:        20  100      0   100
 3:        20  100      5    95
 4:        20  100      0    95
 5:        20  100     50    45
 6:        20  100     10    35
 7:        20  100     10    25
 8:        20  100     10   100
 9:        20  100     10    90
10:        20  100     50    40
11:        20  100     20   100
12:        20  100     60    40


I did the following:

TestData[, Stock:= ifelse(cumsum(shift(Stock, 0, type="lead") - Demand) <= Threshold,
                     cumsum(shift(Stock, 0, type="lead") - Demand))]


But after the first update, the calculation stops and shows 100 every time the end ends. The first value in stock is the initial value that I manually set. Thank!


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3 answers

If you can live with a looped solution. I don't think this is doable with dplyr (or data.table), but I would like someone to prove that I am wrong.

for (i in 2:nrow(TestData)) {
  # If stock - demand <= threshold, restock
  if ((TestData[i-1, "Stock"] - TestData[i, "Demand"]) <= TestData[i, "Threshold"]) 
    TestData[i, "Stock"] <- TestData[i-1, "Upto"]
  # Else update stock with stock - demand
    TestData[i, "Stock"] <- TestData[i-1, "Stock"] - TestData[i, "Demand"]




here is the solution data.table

. Innovation is in the group by

. Please post any edge cases where this solution doesn't work.

TestData <- data.table(Threshold = 20,
                       Upto = 100,
                       Demand = c(0,0,5,0,50,10,10,10,10,50,20,60),
                       Stock  = c(100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))

#to see by grouping
#TestData[,trunc(cumsum(Demand)/(Threshold - Upto))]

TestData[, Stock2 := c(Upto[1], Upto[1] - cumsum(Demand[-1])),
    by=trunc(cumsum(Demand)/(Threshold - Upto))]




It was difficult. Did it with the do-while principle:

upVal     = 100
threshVal = 20
cumVals   <- TestData$Demand
cumMaster <- cumsum(cumVals) 

    IND <- cumMaster>=upVal-threshVal
    cumVals[min(which(IND == TRUE))] <- 0
    cumMaster[IND] <- cumsum(cumVals[IND])

TestData$Stock <- 100 - cumMaster







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