At what point should BLE ads be stopped?

I have heard that it is recommended for peripherals to stop advertising when it is no longer waiting for new connections to conserve battery.

So, on my periphery, internally onConnectionStateChange

I call advertiser.stopAdvertising(advertiseCallback)

like this:

 private final BluetoothGattServerCallback bluetoothServerCallback = new BluetoothGattServerCallback()  {

    public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothDevice device, int status, int newState) {
        Log.d(TAG, String.format("onConnectionStateChange status=%d, newState=%d", status, newState));
        super.onConnectionStateChange(device, status, newState);

        // advertiser should be turned off when connection state changes
        // but the problem is - this breaks the client side service discovery
        // so, I'm not sure what would be the right moment to stop advertising



On the client side, right after connecting and receiving onConnectionStateChange

with, BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED

I call



and wait for the onServicesDiscovered


The problem is that if the periphery stops advertising, it onServicesDiscovered

gets a status code of 257 (which is a constant for the generic undefined GATT_FAILURE) and does not detect any services.

If I comment stopAdvertising

, the client side onServicesDiscovered

works as expected, but then the periphery continues to advertise even though I no longer need it.

How is it supposed to work then? How to stop ads when they are no longer needed?

Both devices are not paired / linked. I'm not sure yet what will happen with the paired devices - might onServicesDiscovered

work even when ads are stopped due to real MAC addresses, but I want it to work without pairing in the first place.


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