Dropdown menu: bug with Polymer 2.0

Hi stackoverflow users,

I want to use the resin 2.0 paper dropdown menu, but when I click on the item, an error occurs:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'target' of object '#<AnimationPlaybackEvent>'
at b.Animation.<anonymous> (web-animations-next-animation.js:223)


I have the # 2.0-preview dropdown menu set.

I tried a very simple example code from the docs:

        <paper-dropdown-menu label="Dinosaurs">
        <paper-listbox class="dropdown-content" selected="1">


could you help me?




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1 answer

It looks like a compatibility issue with web-animations-js library. They released a build on April 13, 2017, which started leading to this issue with the 1.8 version of paper-drowpdown-menu. Anyone doing a bower update after this date is likely to see the same behavior until it gets resolved.

Adding this file to your bower.json file should correct your behavior:

"web animation-js": "web animation / web animation-js # 2.2.2"

I posted a dropdown issue due to this dependency: https://github.com/PolymerElements/paper-dropdown-menu/issues/241



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