Deserialize list of objects in c #

I am using JsonConvert to serialize an object and store it in a database. This is a sample serialization of a string that I am storing in the database:


Now when I get this line from db it has a big backslash like this:


And for this reason, I cannot have Deserialize



the method does not affect this. I do not know why.


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2 answers

You must use the method JsonConvert.Deserialize


Your string is json

enclosed in square brackets ([])

, so it is interpreted as an array. So you need deserialize

it in the type

collection of one class

, for example, call it MyClass


public class MyClass
    public int matId { get; set; }
    public int value { get; set; }


Below is the method deserialize


var results=JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MyClass>>(json);




The backslash represents a serialized object. You need to deserialize the List object. You can try using Generics:

public List<T> Deserialize<T>(string path)
   return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<T>>(path);




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