Time series from a list of dates-python

I have a list of dates (ListA) each record that an event is presented in. How do I make a time series from a list in python3? The sequence of dates would be on the X axis and the frequency of each date would be on the Y

ListA = [2016-04-05, 2016-04-05, 2016-04-07, 2016-09-10, 
         2016-03-05, 2016-07-11, 2017-01-01]


Desired output:

[2016-04-05, 2], [2016-04-06, 0], [2016-04-07, 1],
[2016-04-08, 0], ……………… .., [2017-01-01, 1]


Required output format:

[[Date, Frequency],....,*]


I have a date code like:

Date=pd.date_range('2016-04-05', '2017-01-01', freq='D')


What gives:

[2016-04-05, 2016-04-06, 2016-04-07, ....,]

I need something like the code below to go to the date above to get the frequency for each date.

for item in ListA:
    if item>=Date[0] and item<Date[1]:



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1 answer

Using Counter

from a module collections

, this is very straight forward:


dates = [

from collections import Counter
counts = Counter(dates)



[('2016-03-05', 1), ('2016-04-05', 2), 
 ('2016-04-07', 1), ('2016-07-11', 1), 
 ('2016-09-10', 1), ('2017-01-01', 1)]


Create a list above pandas.DatetimeIndex


To create a list of lists based on a range of dates is easy enough, because it Counter

will return 0

when indexed with a value for which the counter is zero.

# pandas date range
dates = pd.date_range('2016-04-05', '2017-01-01', freq='D')

# counter for date we need counted
counts = Counter(pd.to_datetime(dates))

# build a list using a list comprehension of counts at all dates in range
date_occurence_sequence = [[d, counts[d]] for d in dates]


Add per day:

And since you seem to be using pandas

, let's insert the number of matches into the dataframe indexed per day.

import pandas as pd
index = pd.date_range('2016-04-05', '2017-01-01', freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame([0] * len(index), index=index)
df.update(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(Counter(pd.to_datetime(dates)), 'index'))




2016-04-05  2.0
2016-04-06  0.0
2016-04-07  1.0
2016-04-08  0.0
2016-04-09  0.0




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