Pandas defines a seasonal year from June 1st to July 30th instead of January 1st to December 31st

I have seasonal snow data that I want to group by snowy year (July 1, 1954 - June 30, 1955) instead of dividing one winter day into two years (January 1, 1954 - December 31, 1954 and January 1, 1955 - December 31, 1955)

sample data

I changed the code from this question:

With pandas, select specific seasons from a dataframe whose values ​​exceed a certain threshold (thanks Pad)

def get_season(row):
  if row['date'].month <= 7:
      return row['date'].year
      return row['date'].year + 1

df['Seasonal_Year'] = df.apply(get_season, axis=1)


method call results

Is there a better way to do this than I have done?


source to share

2 answers

I think yes numpy.where


years = df['date'].dt.year
df['Seasonal_Year'] = np.where(df['date'].dt.month <= 7, years, years + 1)




you can use pd.offsets.MonthBegin

Consider the date data format df

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(Date=pd.date_range('2010-01-30', periods=24, freq='M')))


We can offset the date and capture the year

df.assign(Season=(df.Date - pd.offsets.MonthBegin(7)).dt.year + 1)

         Date  Season
0  2010-01-31    2010
1  2010-02-28    2010
2  2010-03-31    2010
3  2010-04-30    2010
4  2010-05-31    2010
5  2010-06-30    2010
6  2010-07-31    2011
7  2010-08-31    2011
8  2010-09-30    2011
9  2010-10-31    2011
10 2010-11-30    2011
11 2010-12-31    2011
12 2011-01-31    2011
13 2011-02-28    2011
14 2011-03-31    2011
15 2011-04-30    2011
16 2011-05-31    2011
17 2011-06-30    2011
18 2011-07-31    2012
19 2011-08-31    2012
20 2011-09-30    2012
21 2011-10-31    2012
22 2011-11-30    2012
23 2011-12-31    2012




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