Text width is not displayed correctly in mm vb6

I have a window with pictures and I am typing the content into it. I want to know the exact text width of the text in millimeters. But I am wrong. here is my code

me.scalemode = vbmillimeters
picturebox.scalemode = vbmillimeters

picturebox.fontname = "Arial"
picturebox.fontsize = 12
debug.print textwidth("AB.C.D.E. FGHIJKLMN")


When I measure in the printout on paper it is 48mm but it shows 32.97mm

Please help me where is wrong. thanks in advance


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1 answer

If you want the width of the text printed in the image window, use:

PictureBox.textwidth("AB.C.D.E. FGHIJKLMN")

What you are actually doing: textwidth("AB.C.D.E. FGHIJKLMN")

Move the same text printed in the form ( Me


Doing this would be less error prone:

Dim TextWidth as Single
With PictureBox
  .ScaleMode = vbMillimeters
  .FontName = "Arial"
  .FontSize = 12
  TextWidth = .TextWidth("AB.C.D.E. FGHIJKLMN")
End With


because if you go to paper you can also switch context easily:

With SelectedPrinter....




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