How to get bold, italic and underlined words from plain text and surround them with HTML tags
What I want to achieve:
Input: (Input text comes from Excel cell)
This is the line includes bold , italic, and underlined words.
Expected Result:
This is a <b>string</b> includes <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i> and <u>underlined</u> words.
What I've tried: (This method iterates over plain text by characters, not words.)
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder fontText = new StringBuilder();
string path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Test.xls");
Application excel = new Application();
Workbook wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(path);
Worksheet excelSheet = wb.ActiveSheet;
//Read the first cell
Range cell = excelSheet.Cells[1, 1];
for (int index = 1; index <= cell.Text.ToString().Length; index++)
//cell here is a Range object
Characters ch = cell.get_Characters(index, 1);
bool bold = (bool) ch.Font.Bold;
if (html.Length == 0)
if (html.Length !=0) html.Append("</b>")
But this method returns all bold texts surrounded by HTML tags like <b>stringbold</b>
Expected result: <b>string</b>
Any great thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance.
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It took half my day to figure out this solution.
1. Code works with Bold , Italic and Underline characters.
2. The algorithm is a little more complicated. If any optimization is available or anyone comes up with a better solution, please post Reply.
public string ExcelReader(string excelFilePath)
StringBuilder resultText = new StringBuilder();
//string excelFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Test.xls");
Application excel = new Application();
Workbook wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(excelFilePath);
Worksheet excelSheet = wb.ActiveSheet;
//Read the first cell
Range cell = excelSheet.Cells[1, 1];
//Check if one bold or italic WORD.
bool IfStop = false;
//Check if character is the start of bold or italic character.
bool ifFirstSpecialCharacter = true;
//Initialize a empty tag
string tag = "";
//Check if it is the last index
bool isLastIndex = false;
for (int index = 1; index <= cell.Text.ToString().Length; index++)
//Check if the current character is bold or italic
bool IfSpecialType = false;
//cell here is a Range object
Characters ch = cell.get_Characters(index, 1);
XlUnderlineStyle temp = (XlUnderlineStyle)ch.Font.Underline;
bool underline = false;
if (temp == XlUnderlineStyle.xlUnderlineStyleSingle)
underline = true;
bool bold = (bool)ch.Font.Bold;
bool italic = (bool)ch.Font.Italic;
if (underline)
if (tag != "" && tag != "<u>")
resultText.Append(tag.Insert(1, "/"));
ifFirstSpecialCharacter = true;
IfStop = true;
tag = "<u>";
IfSpecialType = true;
if (bold)
if (tag != "" && tag != "<b>")
resultText.Append(tag.Insert(1, "/"));
ifFirstSpecialCharacter = true;
IfStop = true;
tag = "<b>";
IfSpecialType = true;
if (italic)
if (tag != "" && tag != "<i>")
resultText.Append(tag.Insert(1, "/"));
ifFirstSpecialCharacter = true;
IfStop = true;
tag = "<i>";
IfSpecialType = true;
if (index == cell.Text.ToString().Length)
isLastIndex = true;
DetectSpecialCharracterByType(isLastIndex, resultText, ref tag, IfSpecialType, ref IfStop, ref ifFirstSpecialCharacter, ch);
return resultText.ToString();
private static void DetectSpecialCharacterByType(bool isLastIndex, StringBuilder fontText, ref string tag, bool ifSpecialType, ref bool IfStop, ref bool ifFirstSpecialCharacter, Characters ch)
if (ifSpecialType)
//If it is the first character of the word, put the <b> or <i> at the beginning.
if (ifFirstSpecialCharacter)
ifFirstSpecialCharacter = false;
IfStop = false;
//This is a edge case.If the last word of the text is bold or italic, put the </b> or </i>
if (isLastIndex)
fontText.Append(tag.Insert(1, "/"));
//If it is the last character of one word, add </b> or </i> at the end.
if (!IfStop && tag != "")
fontText.Append(tag.Insert(1, "/"));
IfStop = true;
ifFirstSpecialCharacter = true;
tag = "";
Code works great, just copy paste and add new link
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Here's what I will do:
Create a helper class that knows about Font styles and their opening and closing tags and that can keep track of the "current" font style
Run the class with normal style, and then in a loop, ask the helper class to insert opening and closing tags if the font style has changed before writing the current character
At the end of the loop, ask the helper to insert the correct closing tag
I don't have an Excel interop project, so here's an example that you might need to adapt to specific Excel font types.
First the helper class:
static class TextHelper
// You may have to use a different type than `FontStyle`
// Hopefully ch.Font has some type of `Style` property you can use
public static FontStyle CurrentStyle { get; set; }
public static string OpenTag { get { return GetOpenTag(); } }
public static string CloseTag { get { return GetCloseTag(); } }
// This will return the closing tag for the current font style,
// followed by the opening tag for the new font style
public static string ChangeStyleIfNeeded(FontStyle newStyle)
if (newStyle == CurrentStyle) return string.Empty;
var transitionStyleTags = GetCloseTag();
CurrentStyle = newStyle;
transitionStyleTags += GetOpenTag();
return transitionStyleTags;
private static string GetOpenTag()
switch (CurrentStyle)
case FontStyle.Bold:
return "<b>";
case FontStyle.Italic:
return "<i>";
case FontStyle.Underline:
return "<u>";
return "";
private static string GetCloseTag()
switch (CurrentStyle)
case FontStyle.Bold:
return "</b>";
case FontStyle.Italic:
return "</i>";
case FontStyle.Underline:
return "</u>";
return "";
Further, the implementation will look something like this:
// Start our helper class with 'Regular' font
TextHelper.CurrentStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
var html = new StringBuilder();
for (int index = 1; index <= cell.Text.ToString().Length; index++)
char ch = cell.get_Characters(index, 1);
// If the Font of this character is different than the current font,
// this will close the old style and open our new style.
// Append this character
// Close the style at the very end
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