Filtering Java Streams of Nested Collections with Min / Max

I have Map<Integer, List<MyDayObject>>

one that represents all days by week of the year.
Now I only need to analyze the days that gave the maximum value for each week. I was able to get nested streaming with help forEach

, but I can't seem to pipe it right collect

to the end List

at the end.

weeks.forEach((k, v) -> { 
        MyDayObject highest =
            .max((o1, o2) -> o1.value().compareTo(o2.value())).get();      


I need, however, not print, but get List<MyDayObject> allHighest

at the end.

I've tried .filter

from .entrySet()

to .max()

but can't get this to work.
What is the best way to filter Map

on max

nested List



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1 answer

You seem to need to map each value of the original map to the corresponding max MyDayObject


List<MyDayObject> allHighest = 
    weeks.values() // produces a Collection<List<MyDayObject>>
         .stream() // produces a Stream<List<MyDayObject>>
         .map(list -> // transforms each List<MyDayObject> to a MyDayObject 
                                    // to obtain a Stream<MyDayObject>
                          .max((o1, o2) -> o1.value().compareTo(o2.value())).get())
         .collect(Collectors.toList()); // collects the elements to a List


PS I just copied your code that finds the maximum element of a given list without trying to improve it, which might be possible. I focused on getting the desired result.

As holi-java commented, a lambda expression that compares elements can be simplified:

List<MyDayObject> allHighest = 
         .map(list ->




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