The v-for loop and key attribute usage

Couldn't make the title more relevant, sorry about that ....

  • I have a [] property in my data property that is populated with items with an external API call

  • I scroll [] with v-for

    in the main div in my template and fill page

  • there is a toggleable div in every main div which is hidden by default and is toggleable, show or not

here is the code


      // MAIN DIV
      <div v-for="(item, index) in myArray :key="index"> 
          //populate the elements using revelevant data
        <button @click="toggleDiv"">show/hide</button>

        //togglelable div
           <div v-if="displayDiv">
            //some data

    export default{
                myArray: [],
                displayDiv: false
        methods: {
                this.displayDiv = !this.displayDiv;



So my problem is

  • when i click on a button in a separate div to show the hidden div, all hidden divs of all other divs are shown as well.

  • How can I restrict this due to only the corresponding hidden div being toggled when the corresponding button of that div is clicked

  • should i use the attribute key

    to allow vue to differentiate the div or should i use any logic


source to share

3 answers

The problem is that you have one true or false property to open all sections, displayDiv , its not for the element.

            myArray: [],
            displayDiv: false


If you cannot modify the data elements of the array you receive at the remote location, you can simply pin the elements and add a property to each element after you receive it.

Like this:

// I'll assume your api looks somewhat like this

 return axios.get('apirequest')
.then(function (res) {

// Create a new list 
var listOfItemsWithAddedProp = [];

// Loop all the items of the response..
for(var item of{

    // ..and add one or multiple props = false;

    // Then push modified item to the new list

// Return or set the new list to your "myArray" in your example
return listOfItemsWithAddedProp;





You must leave the key name and value like this, don't rename it.

<div v-for="(value, key, index) in Your-object">
  {{ index }}. {{ key }}: {{ value }}




Create a new component for your separate Item and encapsulate the behavior of the shown item or not.

Main component:


    <div v-for="item in myArray"> 
     <item :item=item>



    import Item from './Item.vue'
    export default{
      components: {



Component element:

     <button @click="toggleDiv()"">show/hide</button>
     <div v-if="displayDiv">

    export default{
        props: ['item']
                displayDiv: false
        methods: {
               this.displayDiv = !this.displayDiv;




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