Linux - clock doesn't show colors via ssh

I have a simple python script that prints text with color using colorama .

#!/usr/bin/env python
from colorama import Fore

text = "Test"

print(Fore.RED + text)


The problem is when I try to put it in a command watch

when connecting via SSH , it doesn't display colors.

when connecting via SSH I run

watch -c


And it doesn't display colors.

I searched a lot about this issue, but watch

through SSH

for some reason won't display colors. (also when using a flag -c


What is the problem?


Another question asked that reproduces the issue - linux - view command not displaying colors via ssh


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1 answer

Update: Following the comment by William Russell. I looked a little at the repama colorama github and found the init () parameterwrap

Speaking colorama to act like stdout is not wrapped in a call init(wrap=False)


# !/usr/bin/env python
import colorama
from colorama import Fore


text = "Test"

print(Fore.RED + text)


you also get the correct colors inside the watch command.

Update 2: For colors over ssh in general, see How do I get a colored terminal over ssh?

Original answer:

Ok, I don't know why, but when I remove colorama.init()

it works:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from colorama import Fore

text = "Test"

print(Fore.RED + text)


Called with watch -c

leads to red "Test" ...

I copied their sample from the python package index and forgot init()

and surprised that I got a colored oO output



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