Why does std :: fill use ForwardIterator and not OutputIterator?

(This question has the same "question pattern" as Why does std :: max_element require a ForwardIterator? But the answer must be different because it std::fill

does not return an iterator in the output sequence.)


defined only for operation when the output range is specified by a pair of ForwardIterators. However, a superficially similar std::fill_n

works fine with the OutputIterator.

Of course the algorithm is just

template<class OutIt, class T>
void fill(OutIt first, OutIt last, T value)
    while (first != last) {
        *first = value;


How about this algorithm requires a ForwardIterator? What am I missing?


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2 answers

Output iterators are not comparable. Operators ==

and are !=

not defined for output iterators.

You need a forward iterator because it

satisfies the requirements of the input iterator

which supports EqualityComparable.

With output iterators std::fill

can not be compared first

with last


while (first != last) {


Not supported for output iterators.


avoids this comparison, it just uses a counter to write to the iterator, so all it needs is an output iterator.



There is no concept of "range" for OutputIterator

. Thus, you must provide a repeat count. With the help ForwardIterator

you can work with several elements.

These are semantically different things. fill_n

is intended to add some elements starting from the supplied iterator. fill

is designed to change the range of elements.

Take insert (like a back_inserter

) for example. You can insert more elements than the container, so last

it doesn't even make sense.


gives you a place where you can throw the object. ForwardIterator

objects must exist.

From cppreference :

The only valid use of the * operator with an output iterator is to the left of the assignment: the * operator can return a proxy object that defines the member operator = (which can be a pattern)

This means that you basically cannot read from it, which is in contrast to ForwardIterator


A ForwardIterator is an Iterator that can read data from the specified element.



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