How do I implement "normal" ES5 prototypal inheritance in React?

I am under the impression that ES6 classes are basically syntactic sugar around the ES5 object system. Since I'm trying to run React without a transpiler, I figured I can only use the old syntax to define "classes" objects that "inherit" from React.Component.

    var Board = function(props, state) {
        var instance = {};

        instance.props = props;
        instance.context = state;


    Board.prototype = Object.create(React.Component.prototype);

    Board.prototype.render = function() {
            // ...stuff


But it doesn't work!

react.js:20478 Warning: Board(...): No `render` method found on the returned component instance: you may have forgotten to define `render`
react.js:6690 Uncaught TypeError: inst.render is not a function(…)


I found alternatives in this context and the following works:

    var Board = function(props, state) {
        var instance = Object.create(React.Component.prototype);

        instance.props = props;
        instance.context = state;

        instance.prototype.render = function() {
                // ...stuff



I also figured out that I can use a helper React.createClass


But I would still like to understand why React won't handle classes defined in this general way. It seems to me that ES6 classes are used prior to use. I see no reason why ES5 class classes would also not be driven by similar results.


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1 answer

Why isn't "normal" ES5 prototypal inheritance supported in React?

This use React.createClass

is probably your best option though . It's just that the code in your question doesn't do standard ES5-like inheritance tasks. In particular:

  • You are returning an instance of a simple object, not an instance Board

    , and therefore is Board.prototype

    not used by the object. Typically, a constructor function should return nothing and should use the invoked object new

    that it receives as this

  • You are not giving the React.Component

    opportunity to initialize the instance.
  • You don't install constructor

    on Board.prototype

    (although I don't know if React cares which it doesn't).

It works if you set it up in the usual way. Here's an ES5 example without React.createClass

, see comments:

// The component
function Foo(props) {
    // Note the chained superclass call, props);

// Set up the prototype
Foo.prototype = Object.create(React.Component.prototype);
Foo.prototype.constructor = Foo; // Note

// Add a render method
Foo.prototype.render = function() {
    return React.createElement("div", null, this.props.text);

// Use it
    React.createElement(Foo, {
        text: "Hi there, the date/time is " + new Date()

<div id="react"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

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