How can I customize urlerjs ui-router controller parameter from java server redirect?

Defining a route as follows:

.state('about', {
            url: '/about',
            controller: 'AboutCtrl',
            templateUrl: 'views/about/about.html'


Java backend:

servletResponse.setHeader("type", "something");


So how can I get the "type" parameter in AboutCtrl?


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1 answer

I don't know much about how to use servletResponse

, but from the method name, setHeader

you are trying to set the header value, not the parameter value.

There are several ways to resolve the parameter using ui-router

(I assume you are using ui-router

). You can check this link for more details on this, but here are several ways:

If you decide to go with servletResponse.sendRedirect("http://xxxxx/yyyy/#!/about/something");

, you can do something like this:

.state('about', {
   url: '/about/:type', //or even url: '/about/{type}'
   controller: 'AboutCtrl',
   templateUrl: 'views/about/about.html'

function AboutCtrl($stateParams){
   console.log($stateParams.type); //something


If you want to use query parameters servletResponse.sendRedirect("http://xxxxx/yyyy/#!/about?type=something");

, you must map your status url to url: '/about?type'


If you want to use parameters without defining them in your state url

, you can do something like this:

.state('about', {
   url: '/about/',
   params: {
        type: null
   controller: 'AboutCtrl',
   templateUrl: 'views/about/about.html'

function AboutCtrl($stateParams){
   console.log($stateParams.type); //something


You can find more details and options in the link provided.



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