Error connecting modules for Xcode

I am trying to install pods in my Xcode project.
Here is my swap file:

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'aa' do
    pod 'Canvas'


I am getting these errors in terminal when trying to install containers Errors


Edit: Nevermind I got it to work and installed it I added this to my subfile. (cc is another project). project '/Users/ashotgharibyan/Desktop/cc/cc.xcodeproj'

but now I have this warning .
Any help? Is there a way to fix this or I shouldn't worry about it.


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1 answer

It's just, as Xcode said, you forgot to write a method [super awakeFromNib]

in a method -(void)awakeFromNib


So your method should be

[super awakeFromNib]
//Now write Your Stuff here


For more details about this link you can check out awakeFromNib

you must call the super implementation awakeFromNib to give the class parents the ability to do any additional initialization they require. While the default implementation of this method is nothing, many UIKit classes provide non-empty implementations. You can call the super implementation anytime awakeFromNib.



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