Create a folder according to today's date and copy files to a new folder using batch files

I have the following code that creates a folder based on today's date and moves a file from the folder to a new one. I have the following code:

set date="%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%%date:~10,4%"
set mydir=%date%
cd "C:\Users\rnan\Desktop\Batch Files\Tess\File History\"
mkdir "C:\Users\rnan\Desktop\Batch Files\Tess\File History\%mydir%"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /command ^
"open" ^
"lcd ""C:\Users\rnan\Desktop\Batch Files\Tess\File History\%mydir%""" ^ 
"get *.csv>1D" ^ 


This code creates a folder, but does not copy files to the newly created folder. The files are copied from the FTP server to the new folder. Please suggest some changes that copy these files.



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2 answers

Your code is correct at all (except for misuse of the variable date

as @Jeff pointed out).

You probably only have the wrong spaces around ^


  • ^

    must be the very last character on the line. You seem to have spaces after ^

    on lines with lcd

    and get

  • The line following ^

    must start with a space. You have no spaces in the following lines.

See the WinSCP FAQ Why are some of the script commands specified on the WinSCP command line in a batch file not / are not executed?

Also, you shouldn't be assigning to a variable date

. You don't even have to use it this way to format the timestamp like a variable format date

in a language binding. See Create a file name as a timestamp in a batch job . Thus, you are better off using a different approach.

WinSCP itself supports date formatting with syntax %TIMESTAMP%


The following code fixed the issues with ^

and uses WinSCP to reliably format the date:

set TIMESTAMP_FORMAT=yyyy-mm-dd
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP"
for /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F in (` /command "echo %%TIMESTAMP#%TIMESTAMP_FORMAT%%%" "exit"`) do set TIMESTAMP=%%F
set mydir=C:\Users\rnan\Desktop\Batch Files\Tess\File History\%TIMESTAMP%
mkdir "%mydir%" /command ^
    "open" ^
    "lcd ""%mydir%""" ^
    "get *.csv>1D" ^




I don't have WinSCP so this hasn't been tested, but why not try this?

set datetime=%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%%date:~10,4%
set "mydir=C:\Users\rnan\Desktop\Batch Files\Tess\File History\%datetime%"
mkdir "%mydir%"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /command ^
   "open" ^
   "lcd ""%mydir%""" ^
   "get *.csv>1D" ^




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