Wordpress app with Cordova

I have a Wordpress application and I need to create a mobile version of it. As I read in one article, there is a way to create a mobile app from a hosted web app (not sure if this method has any specific name). I was able to create a mobile app, but I got a problem; when i redirect to any page the mobile app opens a browser to show the page. After some research, I found that the solution would be to change all href to window.open (url, '_system'). Is there an easier way to solve this problem?

The same article shows how to use the Camera plugin with a hosted ASP.Net application. Can anyone suggest an article that shows how to do the same but with a Wordpress app.


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1 answer

You should take a look at a hybrid WordPress project if you're looking for a performance-enhanced managed app.

Otherwise, you can also use inAppBrowser for easy and fast development here Docs .



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