Make Atom or VSCode recognize Git Repo built with WSL

Now that the Windows 10 developers have updated the improved WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux AKA Bash for Windows), there is still a slight limitation bothering me.

If I create a Git repository from within Bash and open that repo in an Atom editor or VS Code, it does not recognize the directory as a valid Git repo, this is obvious since the base one node-git

thinks it is on Windows, so only Git repos created using "Windows Git "are valid Git repo. Is there a way that these editors treat Git repos from WSL as valid Git repo?


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1 answer

You shouldn't experience any problems if:

  • You have Git installed on both WSL and Windows (Atom and VS Code integrate with Git installed on Windows).
  • You haven't created any repositories in the WSL directories /root

    or /home

    (they are not visible on Windows due to compatibility issues with the WSL file system).

For more information on the topic of WSL file system compatibility issues:



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