Align multiple paths with responsive router v4

Given that I have 2 paths showing the same component, how can I avoid repeating route configurations like:

<Route path="/path1" component={MyComp} />
<Route path="/path2" component={MyComp} />


reactjs react-router

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3 answers

The best solution I've found so far (but seems a little weird):

<Route path="/:path(path1|path2)" component={MyComp} />



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Great answer. It also helps in the following scenario:

<Route path="/path/path1" component={MyComp} />
<Route path="/path/:subpath(path2|path3)" component={MyAnotherComp} />


Without (path2|path3)

both components MyComp

and MyAnotherComp

are installed if path /path/path2


PS. I would add it as a comment, but I would not have the right :).


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If you need to allow multiple match (different parameters), but also without a parameter - for example, matching URLs:

  • / questions
  • / questions / posted
  • / questions / answered

This can be done with an optional parameter (note the question mark after the parenthesis)

<Route path="/questions/:tab(posted|answered)?" component={...} />



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