[Gitlab] Where can I find the Gitlab pages hosted on my personal Gitlab instance?

I tried to set up Gitlab Pages, so far I've finished uploading my static site files.

Uploading artifacts...
coverage/lcov-report: found 77 matching files      
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok            id=1038 responseStatus=201 Created token=QXJjgkf2


But I had no idea where my page was hosted.

I took a look at this documentation but it was still vague for me.

  • I have a private Gitlab instance.
  • My Gitlab entry is under http://abc.def.com (I configured DNS like me to my host IP, reverse proxy to localhost: 9000).
  • My project project1

    is under my command team1

  • I also configured DNS http://team1.abc.def.com to and my server has an nginx reverse proxy which is http://team1.abc.def.com -> localhost: 9000.

I'm assuming my static page is available at http://team1.abc.def.com/project1 , but nothing was there. Where exactly are my pages hosted?


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2 answers

For gitlab pages to work, you need to put your site files (html, CSS, etc.) in a folder named public


Update the file .gitlab-ci.yml

with the following

    - mv coverage/lcov-report public
      - public


Also, do not forget to include the task in question. pages



You will need to ask your sysadmin where wildcard domain pages are served under: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/pages/getting_started_part_one.html#gitlab-pages-domain

Then you will find out where your site was hosted.

Example: on GitLab.com all page pages are served under *.gitlab.io

, so your site will be deployed to username.gitlab.io

(user / group site) or username.gitlab.io/project-name

(project website).

You need to find out the wildcard domain of your GitLab instance and replace it gitlab.io


See also: Page Limits: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/pages/introduction.html#limitations



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