Omniauth Outside Devise Strategy

I have setup devise + omniauth for google login. It works great online. I am now looking into integrating oauth sign with iOS / Android clients.

I followed and found that the library I am using for oauth does these things ( omniauth-google-oauth2 / blob / master / lib / omniauth / strategies / google_oauth2.rb ).

I don't understand if I can use the omniauth strategy outside of my normal web workflow (i.e. from rails console

) to build a pseudo request.env["omniauth.auth"]

. Is this possible? In the documentation I would like to do the equivalent in Ruby (and it is not clear if I can directly use Devise for this).


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Simulating console requests is pretty straightforward. You can easily query the variable app

that the console provides:

app.get('/') # => 200
app.response # => #<ActionDispatch::TestResponse:0x007fc73e4db220>


Regarding authentication handling, standard rail apps use cookie / session-based authentication strategies on the internet. After authenticating for the first time, some information is stored in the session (often in the form of a cookie), which you and the server will pass back and forth with each request.

Since mobile clients don't rely on cookies, we need a different authentication strategy: token-based authentication .

Here's a high-level implementation that will work with Omniauth:

  • User Requests Access through the Omniauth proxy by making requests to the Omniauth endpoint
  • Application processes credentials
  • The app provides the signed token to the client
  • The client stores this token and sends it along with every request
  • The server checks the token and responds with data

For handling mobile requests, you need to be careful to keep track of the fine print for the Omniauth gem supplier .

Token authentication was used for processing in Devise, but it has been removed. Fortunately, there are several gems that add auth tokens to Devise:



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