Expand a textbox to fit its content using CSS?

I am trying to get the textbox to grow as needed to fit the text entered into it, up to 80% of the width of the parent div.

Is there a way to do this with just CSS? If not, I'm open to Javascript solutions, but I'm using React, which complicates things in this regard.


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3 answers

Perhaps you can have a div inside a parent div that is 80% of the parent div. And then set the width: automatically for the textbox. It might sound a little tricky.



hm ... try this:

display: inline-block;


I'm not sure. Let me know if it works.



I'm trying to get the textbox to grow as needed to fit the text entered into it, up to 80% of the width of the parent div.

I'm pretty sure this is not possible with CSS alone, because CSS cannot determine the length of the text content textarea


With javascript on every key press you can check the length of the text content, and if:

  • the text content exceeds a certain number of keystrokes; and
  • width textarea

    is still narrower than the maximum allowed width

it textarea

can gradually expand.

Working example:

var myTextArea = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
var myTextLength = myTextArea.value.length
var myTextWidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(myTextArea).width);
var myTextMinLength = 20;
var myTextMaxWidth = ((parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.body).width) / 100) * 80);

function checkTextLength() {
    myTextLength = myTextArea.value.length;
    if ((myTextLength > myTextMinLength) && (myTextWidth < (myTextMaxWidth))) {
            myTextWidth += 8;
    myTextArea.style.width = myTextWidth + 'px';

myTextArea.addEventListener('keypress', checkTextLength, false);

textarea {
width: 180px;
height: 40px;

<textarea placeholder="Start typing..."></textarea>

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