How to pass original innerHTML to php?

The user selects the text and replaces it with an id = 'NewLink' tag, when he finishes describing the word or phrase, the server will receive the innerHTML of the content of the 'StartId' div. What I need to overlook is that the user is not modifying the client side HTML in the browser. How can i do this?

  function GetSelectedText () {
   var sel = window.getSelection();  
   if( sel.toString().length != 0 && sel.getRangeAt) {

     var rng, se, err, errt, patt;
     errt = 0;
     try {
     se=$('<span style="background-color: #3366CC;" id="NewLink">')[0];

         } catch (err) { errt = 1;}
        if(errt != 1)  
        patt=new RegExp("</?a.*?>","g");
        if (patt.test($("#NewLink").html()) ||$("#NewLink").closest("a").length||!$("#NewLink").text().replace(/\s/g,"").length) 
        {$("#NewLink").replaceWith($("#NewLink").html()); }
        else { rng.collapse(!0);}
    var StartId = document.getElementById("StartId").innerHTML;
    $.post('', {htmlInner:StartId}, function(data) {

<script src=""></script>
<div id="StartId" onmouseup="GetSelectedText ()">
Carnotaurus, a large theropod dinosaur, lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Known from a single well-preserved skeleton found in Argentina, it is a member of the Abelisauridae family<a href="#">and one of the best-understood theropods from the Southern Hemisphere. <br>Carnotaurus (derived from Latin for "meat-eating bull") <br> had thick horns above the eyes, and a very deep skull on a muscular neck.</a> <br>It was a lightly built, bipedal predator, 8 to 9 m (26.2 to 29.5 ft) long, weighing at least 1.35 metric tons (1.49 short tons). It had small, vestigial forelimbs and long and slender hindlimbs. Preserved skin impressions show a mosaic of small scales interrupted by large bumps that lined the sides of the animal. </div>
<div id="EndId"></div>

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1 answer

change your code $.post

to this:

$.post('', '{"htmlInner":"' + StartId + '"}', function(data) {


your parameter is not serialized correctly.

if yours htmlInner

is an integer, you can change this setting like this:

'{"htmlInner": '+ StartId + '}'



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