Error while searching for pattern in input using Python 3

I am trying to figure out the number of patterns that have a shape 1[0]1

in an input number. Pattern: there can be any number of zeros between two 1s , as in 893 10001 898.

I wrote code to accomplish this in Python 3.5 using regular expression ( re ) that looks like this:

>>> import re

>>> input1 = 3787381001
>>> pattern = re.compile('[10*1]')



But this is throwing me the following error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object


Is there a workaround to clearly determine if the above pattern is present 1[0]1

in the input number?


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1 answer

The pattern [10*1]

matches a single char that is 1

, 0

or *

. In addition, the regex engine only searches for matches within text, it needs a string as an input argument.

Remove the square brackets and pass the string in re

, not an integer.

import re
input1 = '3787381001'
pattern = re.compile('10*1')
m =
if m:


See Python Demo

Note: if you need to get multiple occurrences with matching matches (for example, if you need to get 1001

and 10001

from 23100100013

), you need to use re.findall(r'(?=(10*1))', input1)




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