Unable to make third party API request

I am working on an Ionic 2 Application using a 3rd party API from the Oxford Dictionary . Their API requires app_id

both app_key

as an authentication step to work.

Here is a service that makes an GET

API request request

export class OxfordVocabularyService {
  private app_id: any;
  private app_key: any;
  private OxfordBaseRequestURL: any;
  constructor(private http: Http) {
    this.app_id = configuration.oxfordAPI.app_id;
    this.app_key = configuration.oxfordAPI.app_key;
    this.OxfordBaseRequestURL = configuration.oxfordAPI.requestURL;

  public getWordIPA(word: String): Promise<any> {
    let headers = new Headers({ 'Accept': 'application/json' });
    headers.append('app_id', this.app_id);
    headers.append('app_key', this.app_key);
    let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
    return this.http.get(this.OxfordBaseRequestURL + word + '/pronunciations', options).toPromise().then(response => {


When the application runs a service call, it throws errors enter image description here

More information about requesting in a browser: enter image description here enter image description here

API request works fine for Postman enter image description here

I have attached app_id

and app_key

to request headers, so why do I get an error.

403 - Missing authentication options

Is it CORS related? Can you show me a way to set up the API correctly?


Many thanks to @suraj and @ n00dl3, I solved the problem by adding a proxy in Ionic Configuration.


 "proxies": [
      "path": "/oxfordapi",
      "proxyUrl": "https://od-api.oxforddictionaries.com/api/v1/entries/en"


And change the request path GET


this.http.get('oxfordapi/' + word + '/pronunciations', options)



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4 answers

It seems the Oxford dictionnaries API doesn't support CORS:

Occasionally preflight requests will give the error "No" Access-Control-Allow-Origin 'header is present on the requested resource. "

Unfortunately, we cannot support client-side application requests (including JavaScript, JScript, VBScript, Java Applets, ActionScript, etc.).

This is because our API does not currently support CORS requests due to the potential security implications of our server. Instead, we suggest that you make the request available to your server side application, and then send the API request from the server, not the client.


So, you need to create a proxy for the ionic service (this will not happen in a packaged iOS / Android app as there are no preprogrammed requests).

for creating ionic proxy see this answer



add this to the "withCredentials: true" option.


should be like let options = new RequestOptions ({withCredentials: true, headers: headers});



When using a chrome browser, you can extend chrome. CORS



In case anyone is trying to connect to the Oxford API using Angular only, no Ionic, @ n00dl3's above solution works pretty much the same, but with an important change.

You need to configure angular-cli proxy (proxy.conf.json) like this:

  "/oxfordapi": {
    "target": "https://od-api.oxforddictionaries.com/api/v1/entries/en/",
    "secure": true,
    "changeOrigin": true,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "headers": {
      "Accept": "application/json",
      "app_id": "YOUR APP ID",
      "app_key": "YOUR APP KEY"
    "pathRewrite": {"^/oxfordapi" : ""}


Then make an HTTP get request from somewhere in your Angular component like this:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';

  selector: 'posts',
  templateUrl: './posts.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./posts.component.css']
export class PostsComponent implements OnInit {

    word: string = "aardvark"

    ngOnInit() {

    getWord(word) {
      this.http.get('/oxfordapi/' + word)
        .subscribe(response => {


You should now see the dictionary entry for "aardvark" in the console. Then run the application using:

ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json




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