Does CPython include the mentioned optimizations from PEP 380?

PEP 380 mentions that the syntax yield from expr

can be optimized in Python.

PEP 380 - Optimization

The use of specialized syntax opens up opportunities for optimization when there is a long chain of generators. Such chains can arise, for example, during the recursive movement of a tree structure. The overhead of passing calls __next__()

and values ​​given down and up the chain can cause what should be an O (n) operation to become, in the worst case, O (n ** 2).

A possible strategy is to add a slot to generator objects to allow for generator delegation. When calls to __next__()

or are made in the generator send()

, this slot is first checked, and if it is not empty, the generator it referenced is resumed instead. If it rises StopIteration

, the slot is cleared and the main generator resumes.

This will reduce the redundancy of delegation to chaining C function calls that do not involve executing Python code. A possible reinforcement would be to loop through the entire generator chain and directly resume at the end, although the processing is StopIteration

more complicated.

Does CPython use this optimization?


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