DateOffset Panda subtraction

I have a dataFrame

[in] MyDates
2017-04-04        -5.0
2017-04-03        -5.0
2017-03-31        -4.0
2017-03-30        -6.0
2017-03-29        -5.0
2017-03-28        -5.0


Each number corresponds to how many days I have to add or remove from the corresponding date. I want to create a new column with the index date minus the number of days that are in column 1. I know I can do this using DateOffset but cannot figure out how ...



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2 answers

You can convert the column to TimedeltaIndex

or to_timedelta

and add

( +

) or subtract the (-)


df['new'] = df.index - pd.TimedeltaIndex(df['col'], unit='d')
print (df)
            col        new
2017-04-04 -5.0 2017-04-09
2017-04-03 -5.0 2017-04-08
2017-03-31 -4.0 2017-04-04
2017-03-30 -6.0 2017-04-05
2017-03-29 -5.0 2017-04-03
2017-03-28 -5.0 2017-04-02



df['new'] = df.index + pd.to_timedelta(df['col'], unit='d')
print (df)
            col        new
2017-04-04 -5.0 2017-03-30
2017-04-03 -5.0 2017-03-29
2017-03-31 -4.0 2017-03-27
2017-03-30 -6.0 2017-03-24
2017-03-29 -5.0 2017-03-24
2017-03-28 -5.0 2017-03-23


If Series

how to input

add to_frame


df = s.to_frame('date')
df['new'] = df.index - pd.TimedeltaIndex(df['date'], unit='d')
print (df)
            date        new
2017-04-04  -5.0 2017-04-09
2017-04-03  -5.0 2017-04-08
2017-03-31  -4.0 2017-04-04
2017-03-30  -6.0 2017-04-05
2017-03-29  -5.0 2017-04-03
2017-03-28  -5.0 2017-04-02




IIUC you want to build TimedeltaIndex

and add this:

In [173]:    
df.index + pd.TimedeltaIndex(df['days'], unit='d')

DatetimeIndex(['2017-03-30', '2017-03-29', '2017-03-27', '2017-03-24',
               '2017-03-24', '2017-03-23'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)


If it is a column you just do df['Dates'] + pd.TimedeltaIndex(df['days'], unit='d')

In [176]:
df['offset_date'] = df['Dates'] + pd.TimedeltaIndex(df['days'], unit='d')

       Dates  days offset_date
0 2017-04-04  -5.0  2017-03-30
1 2017-04-03  -5.0  2017-03-29
2 2017-03-31  -4.0  2017-03-27
3 2017-03-30  -6.0  2017-03-24
4 2017-03-29  -5.0  2017-03-24
5 2017-03-28  -5.0  2017-03-23


If it's an index and you want to add as a column, it's almost the same op:

In [180]:    
df['offset_date'] = df.index + pd.TimedeltaIndex(df['days'], unit='d')

            days offset_date
2017-04-04  -5.0  2017-03-30
2017-04-03  -5.0  2017-03-29
2017-03-31  -4.0  2017-03-27
2017-03-30  -6.0  2017-03-24
2017-03-29  -5.0  2017-03-24
2017-03-28  -5.0  2017-03-23




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