How to catch hand-drawn UI in Jenkinsfile

I tried to find documentation on how the Jenkinsfile pipeline gets an error thrown when a user cancels a job in the jenkins web interface.

I have no approaches post

or try/catch/finally

for work, they only work when something fails in the assembly.

This results in resources not being freed when someone cancels the job.

Today I have a script in a declarative pipeline , eg:

pipeline {
  stage("test") {
    steps {
      parallell (
        unit: {
          node("main-builder") {
            script {
              try { sh "<build stuff>" } catch (ex) { report } finally { cleanup }


So everything is in blocks catch(ex)

and is finally

ignored when the job is manually canceled from the UI.


source to share

1 answer

Non-declarative approach:

When you interrupt the pipeline build script, a type exception is thrown org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException

. Release resources in catch

and throw the exception.

import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException

def releaseResources() {
    echo "Releasing resources"
    sleep 10

node {
    try {
        echo "Doing steps..."
        sleep 20
    } catch (FlowInterruptedException interruptEx) {
        throw interruptEx


Declarative approach:

The same, but inside a block script {}

in steps


. Not the neat solution, but the one I've tested and worked.



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