Replicate selected accounts to Active Directory

Whether it is possible to replicate selected objects (accounts) to an Active Directory domain. We have a need to replicate selected accounts through our firewall permanently in the DMZ. We don't want to replicate all accounts to this machine if they are compromised.

Any suggestions, help or suggested products are most appreciated.


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2 answers

Apologies. I just clarified the needs with one of the programmers (there was a little miscommunication before). It turns out that we just need one-way trust from the DMZ domain, to the internal domain, to access some internal objects (files, SQL). I thought they needed to check some internal users in the DMZ - not like that.

Again, apologies, but this turned out to be pretty simple.

Thanks for the answer.



It's not a programming question, but anyway ...

If the DC on your DMZ is not on a different domain, you don't need to replicate anything, it already has everything. If it's on a different domain, what exactly do you want to reproduce and why? Access rights? Settings?



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