Running ASP.NET MVC Preview 3 (or 4 or 5) and MVC Beta at the same time

I recently installed a beta version of MVC. However, I assumed that the number of versions has changed and since it now uses the GAC instead of the bin folder that it will not break existing applications.

However, it does.

What steps do I need to follow to ensure that my existing Preview 3 applications use bin.dll and are not corrupted by the beta installation?


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2 answers

ASP.NET MVC beta is also available for deploy bin, move the following DLL from GAC to bin folder of your application.

* System.Web.Mvc
* System.Web.Routing
* System.Web.Abstractions


Check this article for more information



You will need to force uninstall (gacutil / u / f System.Web.Mvc) the beta DLL from the GAC and then use bin deployment for all versions (including beta).



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