.Net data processing suggestions

I am just starting to write an application. Part of what he needs to do is run queries against the nutritional information database. I have a USDA SR21 Datasets file as flat delimited ASCII files.

I need a consultation. I am looking for the best way to import this data into an application and query it easily and quickly at runtime. I will use it for all standard stuff. Dynamically populate Controls, Datagrids, Calculations, etc. I will also need persistent data storage for the user. This will not be a commercial application, so hopefully this will open up opportunities. I am very good at .Net Framework 3.5, so Linq is a feature when accessing data (just don't know if that would be the best solution or not). So what are some suggestions for persistent storage in this scenario? What scares should I be looking at? Of course, links to examples are always welcome.


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5 answers

It looks pretty small, so I would design a suitable object model, load all memory into memory, and then use LINQ to Objects.

I'm not really sure what you're asking in terms of "persistent storage" - aren't you just reading the data? Don't you already have this in your text files? I'm not sure why you would like to present anything else.



I would import flat files into SQL Server and access through standard ADO.NET functions. Not only is DB access always better (more reliable and powerful) than file I / O, since data queries and manipulations are in progress, but you can also use the caching capabilities of SQL Server, especially since this power data won't change either often.

If you need to periodically download updated flat files, then check out the development service that will automatically poll these files and import them into SQL Server.

EDIT: I mean SQL Server, but feel free to use any DBMS.



My temptation would be to import the data into SQL Server (Express if you are not going to deploy the application) as this is a familiar source to me. Alternatively, you can create an ODBC data source using a text file handler to get a database connection.



I agree that you will find it helpful to use a database, especially for a quick query, and even more so if you are storing user changes to data. To load flat file data into SQL Server (including Express), you can use SSIS.



Use Linq or text data to specify method

1. create a list.

2. Write the text file line by line (or all lines).

3.produce string - get the required data and attach it to the list.

4. Produce a list for future reference.

persistence store will be files and the list is unstable.



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