How to properly set datatable on gridview in code using ObjectDataSource?

I have an ObjectDataSource object with ID ObjectDataSource1 in a web page. I also have a gridview in which I bind the ObjectDataSource.ID to the GridView.DataSourceID. The problem I am getting is when the text changes in the textbox, the code calls BrokerageTransactions.GetAllWithDt which returns the DataTable. I want to set this datatable as DataSource for GridView, but it tells me that I cannot set DataSouce and DataSourceId together. How can I fix this? The code is below. Also. Why can't you set DataSourceID and DataSource when using ObjectDataSource object?

Thanks, X

protected void BrokerageChange(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    BrokerageTransactions brokerageaccountdetails = 
                          new BrokerageTransactions();

    DataSet ds = BrokerageAccount.GetBrkID2(new 

    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
        brokerageaccountdetails.BrokerageId = 
                                new Guid(dr["BrkrgId"].ToString());

    ddlBrokerageDetails.SelectedItem.Value = 

    if (txtTransactionsTo.Text != "" 
        && txtTransactionsFrom.Text != "")
        ObjectDataSource1.FilterExpression = 
        "convert(CreateDt,System.DateTime)>Convert('" + 
         Convert.ToDateTime(txtTransactionsFrom.Text) + "',System.DateTime) 
         and Convert(CreateDt,System.DateTime)<convert('"
         + Convert.ToDateTime(txtTransactionsTo.Text.ToString()) + 
    else if (txtTransactionsFrom.Text != "")
            ObjectDataSource1.FilterExpression =
            "convert(CreateDt,System.DateTime)>convert('" +
             Convert.ToDateTime(txtTransactionsFrom.Text) + 
    else if (txtTransactionsTo.Text != "")
            ObjectDataSource1.FilterExpression = 
            + Convert.ToDateTime(txtTransactionsTo.Text.ToString()) +  
        ObjectDataSource1.FilterExpression = " ";

    grvBrokerage.DataSourceID = ObjectDataSource1.ID;

    DateTime dtTransFrom = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900");
    DateTime dtTransTo = System.DateTime.Today;

    //TransactionsTo Box is Empty
    if ((txtTransactionsFrom.Text.Length > 2) 
    && (txtTransactionsTo.Text.Length < 2)) 
        dtTransFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(txtTransactionsFrom.Text);
        dtTransTo = System.DateTime.Today;

    //TransactionsFrom Box is Empty
    if ((txtTransactionsFrom.Text.Length < 2) 
    && (txtTransactionsTo.Text.Length > 2))
       dtTransFrom = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900");
       dtTransTo = Convert.ToDateTime(txtTransactionsTo.Text);

    //TransactionsFrom Box and TransactionsTo Box is Not Empty
    if ((txtTransactionsFrom.Text.Length > 2) 
    && (txtTransactionsTo.Text.Length > 2))
        dtTransFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(txtTransactionsFrom.Text);
        dtTransTo = Convert.ToDateTime(txtTransactionsTo.Text);
    // Fails Here
    grvBrokerage.DataSource = 
    grvBrokerage.DataBind();  }



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1 answer

You have 2 options:

  • Don't use ObjectDataSource at all. You just use the DataSource property and set it grammatically each time.
  • You are using DataSourceID property for GridView and Add 2 plain asp: Parameters with default value. In the ObjectDataSource_Selecting event, you set these parameters via e.InputParameters []

Hope it helps.



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